Geinoh Yamashirogumi – 翠星交響楽 = Ecophony Gaia (1990)
Third album in a trilogy proceeding Geinoh Yamashirogumi – 輪廻交響楽 = Ecophony Rinne and Geinoh Yamashirogumi – Symphonic Suite Akira
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1.黎明[プロローグ]Chaos [00:00]
2.創生[原初・古代]Genesis [13:58]
3.祝濤[中・近世]Euphony [25:01]
4.熟壊[近・現代]Catastrophe [42:29]
5.解逅[近未来]Disco [47:30]
6.讃歌[エピローグ]Gaia [56:39]
Discogs https://www.discogs.com/artist/132509-Geinoh-Yamashirogum