Toying with the extent of what classic-styled vaporwave can sample, Penthouse Suite’s “Memory Book” hops from one style of music to another, bridging them through familiar techniques and mood rather than purely similar sound. Sparkly synths bridge into laid-back, almost psychedelic guitar riffs, right into yet another idea. There’s no shortage of variety within its tracks.

From front to back, these vignettes never take more time than necessary to explore the extent of the small selections from each of their samples, cutting, chopping, and rearranging them into hypnotizing, short loops. Building along the theme of the album, these short snippets piece together as small portions of memories, tiny windows into a moment in time.

By experimenting in this fashion and creating incredible tracks in the process, “Memory Book” is a breath of fresh air, and a welcome listen for anyone who’s been looking for something new from the style.