xx:xx / xx:xx

Techno Viking

Potent, instinctive fusions of BM/dungeon synth and thuggish hardcore by the Techno Viking on cult label Anti Social Kultur England – an antidote to so much uptight shite, RIYL Consumer Electronics, Skander, Black Mecha, Ray Mears.


Proper subkultural shenanigans right here, from one of the most curious, chthonic labels around. Originally issued – as with their ‘Algiz’ 12” – on tape in 2022, this limited vinyl edition of ‘Odal’ shares an approach to dismantling kultural mimetics in both the brilliant artwork (an Umbro logo adapted with Norse runes) and the upfront immediacy of the musick. It hard reminds us of that early-mid 2010s phase when rhythmic noise, tekno, and more mutant ends of radical rock collided with urgent force. But it is also distinguished by Techno Viking’s hands-on, super cruddy approach to hammering it out, acting on possessed instincts, with results edging on free party tekno and surprisingly inflected with aspects of decayed breaks and rushes of synthy sentiment akin to early AFX. Aye, it’s right up our mucky alley.

The five cuts of ‘Odal’ plunge into a dark heart of rave musick that’s so much more affective than the rote, formulaic stuff, for blasted imaginations. Faithful to black metal’s lo-fi production values, the tunes here grottily compress everything to a potent thrust like Caustic Window channelling Black Mecha’s mentation electronics. The lo-fi yet stately synth intro to ‘Odal’ soon gives way to a pelting hardcore lash and spleening vox buried in the murk, chased by a body-rattling hardcore tune ‘Hate Us Cos They Ain’t Us’ recalling Skander’s brand of rave brutality, and an outstanding lurch into cold rushing breaks and strings on ‘Age of Sincerity’ on the A-side.

On the flip he ups the noise and BM ante with spirit-clawing synth noise and febrile free party tekno in the expansive ‘Home’, and hails Ray Mears as a sort of pagan gnostic in the ambient interzone ‘Untitled’, before severing what meat and spirit is left on the bone with a vicious onslaught of hardcore negative ecstasy in ‘Lado’ that can also be heard to epitomise the project’s ruthlessness of vision and art. It’s a whole thing, one which has really gotten under our skin and shook the nerves like little else in recent memory. Think quick if you want one, though – these are the last copies in circulation.
