xx:xx / xx:xx

Cloud Plateau


Please help us fund a Versioning pro-dubbed cassette release by making a purchase of this release or purchasing our entire digital discography!

Versioning is Danielle Milam from Columbus, Ohio

Support the artist here! Please and thank you.




sea tone was a huge inspiration for me in starting the label way back when (2010 – 2012ish), and Versioning truly does feel like a further development and sacred refinement of many of the same ideas and sonic explorations, good for your spirit and good for your head. To get the distinction to officially have Danielle on board here at Ingrown is something I’ll treasure forever, and a definite full circle moment for me as we prepare to enter Year 15.

Thanks to Danielle for years of inspiration and incredible music, and special thanks to our mutual friend Dug Alcedo (First Dog) for putting us in touch!

Please join me in officially welcoming Versioning to the Ingrown roster!

