Taken from “The West Against The People”, out now on Klangbad.
Directed by: Robin Lochmann | http://robinlochmann.com
Produced by: Orange ‘Ear | http://orange-ear.de
Headpiece by Maria Hartl/Britschula | https://kruemelproductions.jimdo.com
Alexander Norton
Berenice Prendiville
Caroline Lutt
Tom Plate
Mats Folkesson
Theo Taylor
Lara Mc Manus
Liam Bryce
Isla and Evan Eagleton
and the people of the town.
Shot on location in Ireland and East Germany.
Thank you to everyone involved! and especially to Krümel.
To The Light (piano): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5M2ZzZDL_k
Upcoming live dates: http://www.maryocher.com/shows.html
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Get The West Against The People:
Bandcamp: https://maryocher.bandcamp.com/album/the-west-against-the-people
Klangbad: https://www.klangbad.de/releases/mary-ocher-west-against-people
iTunes: http://snip.ftpromo.net/thewestagainstitun
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2m38ExQ
Apple Music: http://snip.ftpromo.net/thewestagainstams
GooglePlay: http://snip.ftpromo.net/thewestagainstgp
Spotify: http://snip.ftpromo.net/thewestagainstspo