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Os Barbapapas – DooWooDooWoo

Músic DooWoooDooWoo from Os Barbapapas
Bandcamp: https://funinthechurch.bandcamp.com/album/doowoodoowoo

Os Barbapapas are:
Barbara Mucciollo: Drums
Fernando Lima: Percussion
Rubens da Selva: Guitar
Tomás Oliveira: Glass Harp and Bass

Recorded during social distance in the 2020 pandemic
Edition Barbara Mucciollo
Mix Tomás Oliveira
Mastered by Frank Merritt at The Carvery, London

Fun in the Church on the web:
On bandcamp: https://funinthechurch.bandcamp.com
Website: https://funinthechurch.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/funinthechurch
Facebook: https://facebook.com/FunInTheChurch​

#OsBarbapapas #DooWooDooWoo #newmusic
