








I followed Wim Maesschalck from Belgium with his music project ‘Wixel’ for several years now. I’d describe the music as Ambient, Acoustic Indie, tho i’m not very good in categorizing musical genres as they often use to overlap anyway.
So, after two full-length albums Wim’s new project has some different approach.














He’s trying to release twelve albums in 2009, one album a month, each one spinning around a theme, that i’d say has some reference to the actual season or mood.
While the January and February album were more droney, instrumental albums, the third one for March even has vocals added to. Hard to find a fitting comparison, as i’m not good in that too, but let’s say, Sigur Ros might come to your mind (to mine at least).
Check out a track from the new March album to get an idea:

I Found A Sleeping Bird














Every release is limited to the numbers of days each month has, has handmade artwork and is, as i can approve, worth every little bug you have spend. But gentle Wixel also gives you the chance to get his releases digital for free, or a donation.

Just follow the links down below for more information on this and Wixel’s other projects.












Wixel Homepage And Project Info
Digital Download Page
Wim’s Slaapwel Label
Wixel Online Mailorder