A comfy day in the life of a cheerful hot dog vendor. The perfect temperature, the perfect condiments, the perfect customers, and some shared recipes culminate to the perfect day. It’s almost lunchtime!
At the Hot Dog Cart, nobody leaves with an empty stomach. 2 for $1 naked hot dogs. 12oz pop for 50 cents. Condiments sold separately. Chopped hot dogs in mac n cheese, 4.5oz for $3. Premium franks available. Please ask Hot Dog Cart manager for daily specials!
Physical release through High Mage Productions TBD.
Olivia Hussey was a British actress. In 1974, Hussey played the lead role of Jess Bradford in the Canadian horror film Black Christmas (1974), which became influential as a forerunner of the slasher film genre of horror films.
On Heavy Metal – the debut solo album from Cameron Winter – the Geese frontman unravels his eclectic influences into a surreal mosaic of modern songwriting. Rumored to have been composed in abandoned basements, taxi back seats, and in impromptu jam sessions in public spaces, Heavy Metal draws on both the chaos of the road and Winter’s greater sense of existential dread. Heavy Metal teeters between the grounded and the hallucinatory, pulsing with immediacy, fragility, and the sly humor of a storyteller who’s never afraid to blur the lines between fact and fiction. It’s an unpredictable journey through Winter’s self-reflection, revealing the frontman as a master of reinvention.
Niki Pokack, Adi Popadi
Mix: Hannes Hafenklang
#prepper #popadi #krisenmanagement #krisenvorsorge #vorrat #pokack #apocalypse
Und ein gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest euch allen da draußen.
Aus dem Saal 2 des ICC unter dem Funkturm live von der Funkausstellung in Berlin 1983 präsentieren wir: “Haste Töne, 60 Jahre Radio (1975—1983)”.
BASF tape rip from source via JAN B.