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Dirk von Lowtzow »I Want a Dog« (Pet Shop Boys cover)

When Martin Hossbach asked Tocotronic’s Dirk von Lowtzow whether he was interested in covering a song of Hossbach’s favourite English pop group, Pet Shop Boys, he immediately said yes. Von Lowtzow chose »I Want a Dog«, the b-side of »Rent«, also featured in an epic Frankie Knuckles remix on the album »Introspective« (whose inner sleeve shows Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe, separately, holding a dog).

The song is taken from a Martin Hossbach 12” released in an edition of 300 copies in late May 2017 that also features Neil Young’s »Beautiful Bluebird« on the b-side.
Both songs were recorded and produced by Moses Schneider at Transporterraum in Berlin. Schneider also played bass and loops, additional vocals by Julia Wilton.

The accompanying video was filmed by the Berlin-based production company Kobalt and is directly inspired by ARTE Creative’s video »Dirk von Lowtzow malt das Wort ›Hund‹«, also shot by Kobalt.
