Und wieder eine Nacht im Pavillion. Da muss ich ja wohl nichts mehr hinzufügen, ausser den offiziellen Pressetext:
The name says it all.
Welcome to Berlin’s hottest new Dance-Sensation !!!
Some of the city’s leading Danceimpressarios got together to bring you
a unique blend of musique, atmosphere and volcanic Dansecadence. (
The Four Horsemen of the Stropocalypse : Emil Doesn’t Drive, Hunee,
Cheers Chris and Nomad created this bi- monthly session to pour more
gasoline into your disco-fires.
The first Eruption will take place in a brandnew location in Berlin
Wedding at the 25th of September.
Pavilion de Wedding
Gerichtstrasse 23, Hof Nr. 5
Berlin, Germany